Commentary and Media Coverage
S. Borman Chemistry Highlights of the year 2003 in Chemical & Engineering News 81 (51), pp. 39 (2003).
Paper #42 in publication list was chosen by Chemical & Engineering News as one out of the three Highlights of the year 2003 in Physical Chemistry research
W. H. Robertson, E. G. Diken and M. A. JohnsonSnapshots of water at work.
Perspectives on paper #42.
Science 301 (5631), 320-321 (2003).
L. Dalton Two fast studies of liquid water.
Experiments explore ion solvation and proton transfer in water.
Chemical & Engineering News 81 (29), pp. 7 (2003). (article on paper #42)
A. Gandolfi Rini, il laser che ferma il tempo.
La Provincia di Cremona, p. 50 (19 July, 2003).
(article on paper #42)
A. Witze Water reveals deep secrets.
New scientific research methods show surprising properties of H2O.
The Dallas Morning News (17 August, 2003).
(article on paper #42)
אורי רבין תפוס תפרוטון 25/7/2003 גלובס (article on paper #42)
עובדות חדשות על תפקידם של המיים בתגובות סתירה
Ynet 7/2003 (article on paper #42)
News in Science Channel 8 Israel TV 2004
Rini, M., Magnes, B.-Z., Pines, D., Nibbering, E. T. J. & Pines, E., Bimodal proton transfer in acid-base pairs in water. J. Chem. Phys. 121(19) (2004) 9593-9610, (Article #47 in publication list) has been selected for the November 15, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research., which is published by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics.
נפלאות הפרוטון אלכס דורון
13.11.05 מעריב
(article on paper #52)
חוקרים ישראלים תפסו פרוטון בשעת מעשה יפעת גדות
NFC.co.il 11.1.0
(article on paper #52)
טביעות האצבע של הפרוטון דודי גולדמן
ידיעות אחרונות 31.1.06
(article on paper #52)
J. T. Hynes The peripatetic proton
Nature (News and Views), 2007, 446, 271 (Review article of paper # 58, selected for review by Nature editors)
Richard Palmer publisher of JPCM notified us that paper #59 was Highly Accessed on the web and has been downloaded 116 times in the first month following publication (Feb. 2007).
Simon Hadlington
Carbonic acid captured
(article on paper #65)
אלכס דורון |
מחקר: שיעור חומציות מי הים עולה - סכנה לדגים NRG
(article on paper #65)
Neil Withers
Carbonic acid: Stronger than we thought
Nature Chemistry Published online: 27 November 2009.
Research Highlights, Nature Chem. 2010, 2, 72-73
(article on paper #65)
Loerting, T. and Bernard, J.
Aqueous Carbonic acid
ChemPhysChem 2010, 22, 2305-2309
(article on paper #65)